วันอังคารที่ 2 มิถุนายน พ.ศ. 2552

สัปดาห์ที่ 3

ฝึกใช้โปรเเกรม Turbo C
/*Program : First.CPP
Written by: Mr.Kittipong
Date : 27/5/2009 */
#include void main(void)
cout<< "My name is Mr.kittipong Srethumma \n";
cout<< "Electronics Department store \n";

/*Program :size_men.cpp
Process : Display size of menory for each simple data typewritter by Mr.kittipong
data :27/5/2552*/
void main(void)
clrscr();//clear screen in conio.h
cout<< "Size of char= "<cout<< "Size of unsigned char="<cout<< "Size of int= "<cout<< "Size of unsigned int="<cout<< "Size of short int=" <cout<< "Size of long int=" <cout<< "Size of unsigned long =" <cout<< "Size of float=" <cout<< "Size of double= "<cout<< "Size of long double "< cout<< "Size of long=" <getch();//wait for press any key}

